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Hi - Alert: Rookie joined


Jun 25, 2022
Hey guys

I'm Stef. I recently joined this forum because I'm trying to learn Unreal Engine 5 - to create a game of my own.
I'm also going to learn Godot probably - but I haven't looked into it yet. Reason is I want to created an old school Pokémon game in it.
More than that I want to learn how to create full games - hence why I'm learning Unreal Engine 5.

I taught myself Html5 and Css3 already when I was in High school. I built some basic sites with it - it's been helpful in my entire carreer as so many tools use the languages.
Other than that I have coding experience using Foundation for Emails - which I used in a job. And I have some basic Javascript and Sql knowledge.

I'm looking forward to learning more about Unreal Engine 5 - and getting some cool stuff developed in it.

Other than that I have been a musician for my entire life, so I also picked up Logic and Studio One along the way to record and mix sounds. I'm not a pro mixer though, these are just skills that I have tried to learn myself.
I have some professional gear to do this too. May come in handy for getting Audio for the games :)
I play the piano - I have a digital one - which is fully Midi capable - so all sorts of sounds can be generated and played.
I also have a synthesizer - to create new sounds.
I play guitar - electric and acoustic, bass guitar, and I do vocals. So pretty much a one man band.

If you have some cool beginner stuff, please reach out. If you have some interesting projects that you can use my help on (in my spare time) feel free to reach out too - as I welcome the opportunity to learn by doing - and to create.

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