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  • Exciting News! 🎉 Starting today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest section: the 'Shards Market.' 🚀 Here, you'll find a marketplace where you can anonymously sell or purchase assets using SHARDS. What makes it truly special? It empowers everyone to trade for real money and get back a portion of that hard-earned cash you spent on buying assets! 💰 Discover more about this groundbreaking feature by visiting our Shards Market Rules page. Don't miss out—dive in now! 🌟


  1. asdawasff0

    Hey everyone I'm new here

    nice to meet you all
  2. Ikari

    Hello everyone

    Working on some game prototypes while learning unreal, happy to find such a community.
  3. zara

    Hello Everyone

    Working on my first game, and excited to learn about Unreal.
  4. ffbe

    Hey Everyone

    Hi everyone! Nice to meet everyone! Looking forward to being part of the community here. Always interesting to see some of the ways people approach projects and plugins and sometimes those are the best resource.
  5. Z

    Hello Everyone

    Really liking this place
  6. Legend

    Hey everyone

    I'm new to this platform, hope we're making good progress :)
  7. denttrof

    Hello everyone. Excited to be here!

    Hello guys! I am a hobbyist Unreal Engine user. Super excited to have found this place! Peace, denttrof
  8. tylercross

    Hi everyone, I'm new here!

    Hi everyone! Just joined the forum and am looking forward to contributing and getting to know everyone here. I’m a still-learning Unity and Unreal dev who’s started getting my hands dirty messing with the two engines. Hope to meet everyone soon!
  9. djangounclaimed

    Hello everyone. Glad to be here.

    Just introducing myself. I am a hobbyist Unreal Engine user and was looking to sample some assets for my demo I am creating. I am happy to be here and part of the forum.
  10. Frostyy

    Hello everyone!

    I am J.R. Horsfall from the old Wizards of the Coast. I helped create odyssey, torment, judgement for Wizards of the Coast, and before that as i am more commonly, CM Horsfall, a title i received at 12. I went to IADT Tampa for Computer Graphic Engineering and Design. I now work as a lighting...
  11. Benzinfeuerzeug

    Hello Everyone

    Just saying hi - Unreal Engine Amateur coming from video art. forum looks good, nice assets. need to get some scrip :D- good day to you all!
  12. Hailloutro

    Hello everyone !

    Hello everyone, I am happy to be here and I will try my best to help when I can :p
  13. hrjokerhr

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everyone, this is my first post in this community, I am so happy to be here. Hope that it would be fun.
  14. OneBrokeDev

    Hello everyone!

    Hello everyone! Just another broke af unreal engine gamedev wannabe trying to find assets! I look forward to explore this site and see what goodies i can find!
  15. depressingnostalgia

    Hi everyone

    I'm new to these forum
  16. Scythe7

    Hello everyone!

    Hey! I just found this site a bit ago and I already love it! Hope everyone else does too :D

About Us

UDevStudio started as a simple response to all the other sites not caring about their community. We endeavor to build a prosperous forum for all to enjoy. We welcome all suggestions and forums to meet your needs.

Our Mission

UDevStudio dedicates itself to providing you the best resources for your development projects. We strive to offer you the tools and space to speak your mind and discuss topics with your peers that will help you succeed in your endeavors.