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  • Exciting News! 🎉 Starting today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest section: the 'Shards Market.' 🚀 Here, you'll find a marketplace where you can anonymously sell or purchase assets using SHARDS. What makes it truly special? It empowers everyone to trade for real money and get back a portion of that hard-earned cash you spent on buying assets! đź’° Discover more about this groundbreaking feature by visiting our Shards Market Rules page. Don't miss out—dive in now! 🌟


  1. mebigyjujs

    Blockchain Game Funding for developers

    can anyone recommend Blockchain Game Funding website where developers can post thier game , and sell tokens? i only found these sites in my research : https://gamespad.io/incubator/ game incubator https://www.venly.io/product/gaming https://enjin.io/use-case/gaming-nft...
  2. wicked

    We are looking for a teammate.

    we aim to offer you a truly entertaining and successful role-playing survival action game. Taking examples such as The Day Before and Identity as reference, we plan to make this game where players will face a realistic survival challenge in a world and create their own characters that they can...
  3. cyclops

    Game like max payne

    Like in the title , maybe you do maybe not but max payne 1/2 are getting a remake by its own developer Remedy. So its great news but due to developing stages of GTA 6 (Rockstar says) its is not going to be soon to realase. So do any of you guys knows game like max payne , for example gameplay...
  4. tiktiktakou

    Greetings! A game engine SWE

    Greetings everyone! Tiktiktakou, a game engine SWE, I hope to help build this community, please feel free to reach out for questions about UE or Unity, I'm happy to help.
  5. C

    Hello all intermediate game dev here using UE4

    Just started getting back into the groove of things. Lost my whole game project due to windows wiping drive when it forced me to upgrade to 11. Downgraded back to 10 and starting all over again

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UDevStudio started as a simple response to all the other sites not caring about their community. We endeavor to build a prosperous forum for all to enjoy. We welcome all suggestions and forums to meet your needs.

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UDevStudio dedicates itself to providing you the best resources for your development projects. We strive to offer you the tools and space to speak your mind and discuss topics with your peers that will help you succeed in your endeavors.