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  • Exciting News! 🎉 Starting today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest section: the 'Shards Market.' 🚀 Here, you'll find a marketplace where you can anonymously sell or purchase assets using SHARDS. What makes it truly special? It empowers everyone to trade for real money and get back a portion of that hard-earned cash you spent on buying assets! đź’° Discover more about this groundbreaking feature by visiting our Shards Market Rules page. Don't miss out—dive in now! 🌟

We are looking for a teammate.


Aug 31, 2022
we aim to offer you a truly entertaining and successful role-playing survival action game. Taking examples such as The Day Before and Identity as reference, we plan to make this game where players will face a realistic survival challenge in a world and create their own characters that they can develop throughout the game. There will also be a feature for players to form teams and collaborate with other players. For this project, we plan to give 34% of sponsorship and main market revenue to our partners. However, we strongly desire that our partners are people who truly stand to make money from this business and believe in the project. Therefore, we will not make any upfront payments until the beta stage and will only ensure that our partners receive the earnings they deserve after the completion of the project. This will show that our partners truly believe in and desire the success of the project. Our initial budget for all models and assets produced by us will be $75,000. This budget will cover all items we believe will be needed during the development of the game, including the purchase of game engines and other technical tools, the wages of the design team, and other expenses. This way, we can focus on the success of our project and direct all of our energy towards it.

GAME is an online multiplayer role-playing game where players can create their own characters and determine the direction of their lives in the game. The game is inspired by real places in the eastern United States, such as the Carolinas and Georgia, creating a world that players can navigate through a variety of environments. These environments include polluted cities, beautiful beaches, farmland, and snow-capped mountains. Players can take the role of a criminal, a police officer, a businessman or any other character in the game and seek their own wealth, glory and power according to these roles. The game will determine the fate of the world along with the actions of the players, and thus will also affect the future of the players themselves. Gameplay Feature: PLAYED will take place in a world where players interact as it is a multiplayer game. The game gives the players absolute freedom and by creating their own characters, they can act as a criminal, a police officer, a businessman or any character in the game. Players can seek their own wealth, glory and power according to these roles, and the game will determine the fate of the world along with the actions of the players. In this way, it will affect the future of the players themselves. World Design: GAME will have a realistic world design, and it will be a game where players can navigate through a variety of environments, from polluted cities to beautiful beaches, from farmlands to snow-capped mountains. These environments are inspired by real locations and will create an incredibly believable and immersive world for players. The game is inspired by real places in the eastern United States, such as the Carolinas and Georgia, creating a world that players can navigate through a variety of environments. These environments include polluted cities, beautiful beaches, farmland, and snow-capped mountains. Character System: Players will be able to create their own characters and choose from different professions in the game. Players will be able to seek their own wealth, glory and power while practicing these professions.
Gameplay Feature: PLAYED will take place in a world where players interact as it is a multiplayer game. The game gives the players absolute freedom and by creating their own characters, they can act as a criminal, a police officer, a businessman or any character in the game. Players can seek their own wealth, glory and power according to these roles, and the game will determine the fate of the world along with the actions of the players. In this way, it will affect the future of the players themselves. Players will be able to communicate and trade with other players they interact with. In addition, players can increase their own power and wealth by fighting against other players. The game will contain many dynamic events and missions, and players will be able to develop their own characters as they complete these events and missions. Special Features: PLAYED will be a game where players can create their own characters and determine the direction of their own lives. The game will have a realistic world design and players will be able to navigate through various environments. The game will be a game where players can communicate with other players they interact with and trade with each other. In addition, players can increase their own power and wealth by fighting against other players. The game will feature dynamic events and missions, and players will be able to develop their own characters as they complete these events and missions. Technicial Specifications: GAME was designed for the PC platform and will be a game that players can play on their computers. The game will require an internet connection and will be a game where players will interact with other players online. The game will be developed using a game engine such as Unreal Engine 4 so that the game will be able to offer high quality graphics, sounds and movements. Adding Content: During the development of the game, new environments, characters, events and missions may be added to the game's content. In this way, the game will always attract the attention of the players and ensure that the players stay in the game longer.

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