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  • Exciting News! 🎉 Starting today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest section: the 'Shards Market.' 🚀 Here, you'll find a marketplace where you can anonymously sell or purchase assets using SHARDS. What makes it truly special? It empowers everyone to trade for real money and get back a portion of that hard-earned cash you spent on buying assets! đź’° Discover more about this groundbreaking feature by visiting our Shards Market Rules page. Don't miss out—dive in now! 🌟


FPSRussia is a popular YouTube and Twitch channel featuring firearms and explosives. The videos feature Kyle Lamar Myers, an American born in Mason, Georgia, playing the role of Dmitri Potapoff, a heavily accented Russian from Moscow. Each video on the channel generally has Myers explaining the characteristics of the weapons he will use in that video (occasionally telling the history behind it and sometimes explanations of its purpose), before he demonstrates their abilities on targets such as fruits, drink bottles, zombie targets, and photos of Justin Bieber in his earlier videos. The FPSRussia channel reached the 1-million-subscriber mark in June 2011. As of December 6, 2019, his channel has garnered over 6.7 million subscribers. Myers has used largely varying pieces of equipment along with weapons that have been featured in his videos such as a golden AK-47, an armored troop carrier, a .50 BMG rifle, and a Bofors 40 mm automatic anti-aircraft cannon. Myers ceased producing new videos in 2016.

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