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  • Exciting News! 🎉 Starting today, we're thrilled to announce the launch of our newest section: the 'Shards Market.' 🚀 Here, you'll find a marketplace where you can anonymously sell or purchase assets using SHARDS. What makes it truly special? It empowers everyone to trade for real money and get back a portion of that hard-earned cash you spent on buying assets! đź’° Discover more about this groundbreaking feature by visiting our Shards Market Rules page. Don't miss out—dive in now! 🌟


  1. ScripHustla

    Asset 5.2 5.1 Lofty Robot's Customizable Fantasy Environment Kit 2023-06-23

    A customizable fantasy stylized environment kit with Sky domes, Sky Rings, Volumetric Fogs, Trees, Grass, Flowers, Bushes, Twigs, Boulders, Pebbles, Cliffs, Caves, Waterfall, Niagara Particle System Video Requirements: • "Water" plugin made by Epic needs to be turned on to see the water in the...
  2. ScripHustla

    Asset 5.2 Advanced Fireworks Show 2023-06-22

    https://youtu.be/RuyuParSKv0 Simulate a real fireworks show. It is the final explosion point of fireworks confirmed by position. The default height of fireworks emission is 50m, and the explosion position can be controlled randomly in the blueprint. In short, it is very simple to use.It should...
  3. durindownling

    I need help with Metahumans, skeletal meshes and npc - I gift 1 month patron to who gives me a hand

    Hi there, I'm designing/developing a concert stage, I have not so much experience on Unreal Engine and I need the following draft things: - A default Metahuman able to move arms/hands on a mixer based on signal/functions/coordinates received and the full body should move too to go to reach...

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UDevStudio started as a simple response to all the other sites not caring about their community. We endeavor to build a prosperous forum for all to enjoy. We welcome all suggestions and forums to meet your needs.

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UDevStudio dedicates itself to providing you the best resources for your development projects. We strive to offer you the tools and space to speak your mind and discuss topics with your peers that will help you succeed in your endeavors.